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Convicted Ex-Officer In George Floyd’s Death Assaulted In Prison

Convicted Ex-Officer In George Floyd's Death Assaulted In Prison

Mr. Derek Chauvin is a former officer of the Minneapolis police force. The notorious officer was convicted in the murder of death George Floyd. Mr Chauvin was apparently attacked in the prison facility in Arizona.

The Attorney General of Minnesota, Mr. Keith Ellison has confirmed this incident on Saturday.

The Associated Press made an earlier report stating that Chauvin was stabbed. After that, he received serious injuries. This official confirmation came on Friday.

“I am sad to hear that Derek Chauvin was the target of violence,” said Mr. Ellison in a statement that he emailed.

“He was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of retaliation or violence.”

He added. However, Mr. Ellison did not give any more details.

Chauvin is now serving his long federal prison sentence of 21 years. He broke the law after clearly violating the civil rights of Mr. George Floyd. Additionally, he also faces a concurrent 22-1/2-yearfo-long sentence for murder. These charges are clear on his conviction.

The case is moving forward in the Minnesota state court.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons verified an inmate assault at Tucson’s Federal Correctional Institution. The officials there administered life-saving aid before transferring him to a hospital.

The incident seems to be one of the many aftermaths of George Floyd’s 2020 death. The brutal police killing of Mr Floyd had spurred global protests against police brutality and racism.

Chauvin, a white former officer, triggered outrage when he kneeled on Floyd’s neck for over nine minutes. This led to Floyd’s death back in 2020.

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Debkanya Bhattacharya
Debkanya is a lawyer turned writer. With an experience of 3 years, she is your go-to source for all things law. She has a soft corner for the US and international section. When the weekend arrives, you'll find her reading up on politics, Austen, or travel blogs over a cup of coffee.

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