Medicaid Asset Protection Trust

What is Medicaid asset protection?

This is a type of asset protection trust that is only applicable for low income groups. It helps you to stabilize your assets and get a proper representation.

What are the different assets you can give for Medicaid asset protection?

For Medicaid asset protection, you can have these assets.

They are: · Bank accounts. · Your residents. · Your 401ks and IRAs.

What are the alternatives to Medicaid asset protection?

There are trusts like Irrevocable Funeral Trusts or Medicaid Compliant Annuities that are one of the best alternatives to asset protection.

Do you need an attorney for Medicaid asset protection?

To understand the legal jargon of asset protection, you definitely need an attorney to properly walk you through it.

Final Thoughts

So that’s all you had to know about asset protection. Is there anything else that we missed out on? Let us know!