LGBTQ Rights in the US

Who are the LGBTQ People?

By LGBT, it means that someone is not heterosexual or heteroromantic. People who are non-cisgender can also fall under this spectrum.

What are the Different Communities Under LGBT?

The LGBT community consists of several different societies. They are: – The Mattachine Society: This was found dwelling on different communist ideals. – The Lesbian Movement: Founded by Daughters of Bilitis it really upheld the feminist movement.

What are the LGBT Rights?

These are those rights that are granted to the people belonging to the LGBT community. These rights help them to stand equally in society and protect them from any sort of hate crime.

Transgender Rights in the US

Transgender rights are now very prevalent in the US and it has been now providing viable options for male, female, and X in the passport. Other than that, now there is also less prejudice against transgender people.

That’s all you had to know about LGBT rights in a nutshell. Is there anything else we missed out on? Let us know!

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