Legal News

7 Things You Should Avoid Doing After A Car Accident

Car Accident

When you go through the internet, you will only find articles and discussions on things to do after a car accident. Although those articles might not be wrong in any sense, knowing what not to do after a car accident is also important.

Thousands of motor vehicle accidents happen every single day. You might never know; you might find yourself a part of this accident, at no fault of your own. Getting into a car accident can be really stressful, especially if the accident has resulted in injury to you or others.

Taking the first crucial step of reporting the accident to the authorities is important, and knowing what not to do. This article will discuss the things that you must do after a motor vehicle accident.

Things Not To Do After A Car Accident

A car accident is always an overwhelming experience. Along with the accident injuries, you have to take care of the insurance claims, liabilities, and possible traffic citations. In addition to these, here are a few things that you need to avoid after a car accident.

1. Ignoring Your Injuries

Most people think that if there are some minor bruises, they do not need to visit the doctor. However, they do not understand that not visiting a doctor will affect their case and significantly impact their injury compensation claims.

Pembroke Pines car accident doctor states that no matter how minor your injury is, visit a doctor for a checkup to ensure there are no major injuries underneath the minor injuries.

2. Leaving The Accident Scene

By leaving the accident scene, you turn the scene of the accident into a crime. The police office will start looking at the accident under the lights of a hit and run case which is more severe than having accidental charges. So, if you are involved in a car accident, stop your car and comply with the authorities.

3. Forgetting To Collect Information

After getting into a motor vehicle accident, you must collect whatever information you can get from the scene. This includes:

  • Driver’s license number.
  • Vehicle registration number.
  • Contact number.
  • Auto insurance company and policy number.

4. Not Contacting The Police

Not calling for the police is a major mistake most people make after a car accident. Police officers create a report after evaluating the accident scene. This report is the first official document related to the accident. Without it, you might not be able to file a lawsuit. Hence, once you have secured your health and the health of others, the next important thing is to call 9-1-1.

5. Admitting Your Fault

Many people want to be sincere about the whole situation and want to admit fault for their share of mistakes. Well, we understand you are a good-natured person, but the other side of the party is not. So they can use your statement of apologizing against you in court.

6. Negligence Towards Reporting The Accident To Your Insurance Company

After the accident, you are obligated to communicate with your insurance company. In fact, you must contact them right after the accident. If you miss filing a claim on time, this might be used against you by your insurance company to deny insurance coverage.

7. Speaking To Others About Your Case

It is important that you refrain from talking about the case until your lawyer asks you. Your insurance company will be all friendly with you to get all the information about the case so that they can offer you minimum insurance coverage. Therefore, restrict yourself from such communication, and always consult with your lawyer before giving any statement.

Final Mistake: Not Contacting A Lawyer

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make after getting into a motor vehicle accident is not contacting their lawyer. Hiring a personal injury lawyer at the end of your case will not bring the case in your favor. If you know that you are not at fault and planning to file a lawsuit, hire a personal injury lawyer right after the accident.

The personal injury lawyer will collect evidence from the accident scene and ensure that you get the true value of your compensations.

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